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6 People I Don't Want Parenting Advice From

If you are a young mom chances are that you constantly have people giving you advice that you didn't ask for. Even better are the ones who give looks of disgust about the way you are raising your kids..  Do what you want with your kids people, but leave me alone with mine...

For laughs I came up with a list of people whom I don't need unsolicited advice from.

1. People with no kids... Yup, this is my favorite. I don't care how many kids you were a nanny for, if you have a freaking doctorate in child psychology, or are the best aunt in the world. If you don't have children of your own, you have no idea. It is something you must experience first hand.

2. People with one kid.. My husband and I have a combined total of 3 kids. Your advice won't help me.

3. People who put their kid in daycare... Sorry people, you can't compare a stay at home mom to a working mom. One stays all day with a bunch of rugrats constantly demanding something, and one goes to work where chances are they do a job, get a lunch break, go to the bathroom alone, and have adult interaction. Yes, my 9 month old is attached to me at the hip. Yes, he cries at strangers holding him. No, there is nothing weird about it, he is not "clingy" or socially awkward, he is a BABY who wants his MOM! So wipe that smug look off your face, lady.

4. People who formula feed. Again, I have nothing in common with your way of parenting because I see formula as toxic trash. Enough said.

5. People who vaccinate. Did you know that statistically the people with higher levels of college education don't vaccinate? Yes, true story. The more educated people are the less likely they will vaccinate their children. I research EVERYTHING when it comes to my kids, if you don't do the same then I don't really care to hear your opinion.

6. People who put their kid in public school. Schools in this state are horrible, the Common Core curriculum is disgusting and evil and if you don't even know what it is, and have a child in public school I suggest you look into it. There are other options besides homeschooling people, do your research.

It's is pretty simple, if somebody isn't asking for your advice don't give it to them, instead rant about it on your own blog like I just did ;) hehe <3

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