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Rise before my little sunshines

A couple posts ago I talked about the Proverbs 31 woman and all the qualities that she possesses. One of the things the passage talks about is how she gets up while it is still dark. I know, I know, sounds miserable, but don't get mad at me I didn't write it!

15 She also rises while it is yet night,
And provides food for her household,
And a portion for her maidservants.

Proverbs 31:15

In an effort to become like this woman my new goal, through the end of this year, is to get up consistently at 7am every morning. I know that doesn't sound early to most, but if you have a nursing baby, then you know getting up that extra half hour earlier is a sacrifice! I will definitely need the grace of God to have the discipline!

Anyone who knows me knows I don't like mornings. Don't even try talking to me until I have had BOTH shots of espresso. However, I have been feeling like this is something I need to do. Most of the time the two littlest are still sleeping until 7:30 so this will give me a chance to have my coffee, get breakfast ready, do my work outs, or a little reading/prayer time. Starting the day with peace and quiet... yes please!

Why am I blogging about this? Well, I need accountability and if I blog it, then I am going to have to do it! I also look forward to seeing the fruit in our lives that doing this will produce! Try it with me ladies, and check off one of your Proverbs 31 woman qualities!

*Yawn* off to bed with me!

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