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5 Tips to a Better Body After Babies!

Kids are not an excuse to let yourself go moms, they are all the more reason to keep yourself healthy! God gave us one body to live our whole life in, we have to take care of it! Here are some tips to getting a smokin' hot bod, even with a bunch of babies around!

1. Find a work out buddy. Recently I have been doing my work outs with my best friend. We don't let each other slack and it forces me to do it even when I don't feel like it!

2. Change it up. If you don't like something, don't do it forever. When I was trying to lose weight I ran. Once I got to my goal, I changed it up and now I do less cardio and lots more muscle building stuff. If you get bored, do something different! Try and stick to one thing for at least 30 days.

3. Abs are made in the kitchen, people! If you want a flat tummy you can't eat garbage. If you want a smaller waist, you can't eat junk. I don't care how many crunches you are doing, it won't help. Cut out the gluten and sugar, increase green foods and you will be amazed.

4. Make time. You must make yourself a priority, if you don't everyone will suffer. My husband always jokes that mama needs to be happy or nobody is.... and it's true! Exercise helps elevate your mood, gives you energy, and adds confidence. In turn everyone in the house will benefit. Whether you do a work out video while they are napping, or go for a run when hubby gets home.. Make it happen.

5. Chart your progress. Whether you are weighing in once a week, measuring inches, or taking before and after pics, you need to be able to see progress to keep you motivated. Pick one day a week to chart your progress and make it as much of a priority as the exercise itself, I promise you won't regret it!

Have fun and as always I would love to hear your results! XXOO

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