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Don't Cater to the Haters

If you are anything like Dustin and I, you probably record and watch every episode of Duck Dynasty religiously. It is literally like a little ritual for us, we put the kids to bed, grab a snack and snuggle up on the couch to enjoy every last second of that wonderful Robertson clan. The whole controversy surrounding the things Phil Robertson said in an interview really got me thinking about how this situation relates to every single person on the planet. If you are going to make a hard stand, on any given issue, you are going to have haters. What is a hater? Let me define it for you...

A hater is someone who doesn't like what you stand for, and no matter what you do, you will not please them. My message is simple, don't waste your time trying. If someone doesn't like you, or your cause, it doesn't matter what you do, it won't be good enough. Thank GOD Phil Robertson is man enough NOT to apologize for believing what the bible says. He knows you can't cater to haters.

Do you have people who hate you for what you believe, or who you are? If you have read any of my previous posts then you know I definitely do, because I take hard stands on certain topics. I have had friends get offended and tell me I should not be so harsh. You know what I say to them? Keep scrolling! If you don't like what I write, don't read it. For every offended person, I have someone who heartily agrees with me, and that is who I write for. 

This applies in every area of your life. Take a step back and look at your relationships, who are your haters? Do you find yourself constantly trying to please them and never able to make that happen? I know Dustin and I have learned a lot in this area, and have realized that you cannot ever base decisions on trying to live up to other people's standards. Find out who you are, and what you believe, and stand your ground. You will be surprised how many wonderful, like-minded people find their spot comfortably next to you. Remember, the haters only have a voice if you give them one. 


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