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Fitness mommy diaries

I have had 2 babies in the past two years. I gave birth to my daughter naturally and had an emergency c-section with my son. I now understand how to get your body back after either. It has been 3 months since my son was born and I am back in all my pre preg clothes (have been for a while now.)
You can see the definition coming back in my abs.. Woohoo!

People ask me how I can exercise when I have to chase around a toddler and an infant, and the answer is, how could I not? I can't imagine being able to keep up with them if I wasn't in shape.

How do I do it?

Here is the deal. If you are out of shape when you get pregnant, don't expect to drop into a size zero as soon as you give birth, that just does not happen for most people. The best way to guarantee a good bod post pregnancy is to have a good bod BEFORE pregnancy. So if you plan on starting a family there is no better time to get yourself in shape.

I started exercising 2 months after my son was born (even after a csection.) I started with 5 days a week alternating between the 30 Day Shred and jogging.

A few weeks into that I realized that 5 days was too intense for my incision was still too fresh. I started to have some pain and decided to cut down to 3 days a week which is what I am doing now (and I am still losing weight!)

I got frustrated during the first few weeks because I GAINED weight. Yes, a few of the lbs were muscle, but there were a couple extra "bonus" lbs that I was not happy about. The problem? I wasn't eating enough, and I am breastfeeding. If you are breastfeeding you cannot "diet" you have to eat when you are hungry, otherwise your body will store some extra fat to make that liquid gold.

During pregnancy your body packs on approx 8 lbs of fat stored for breastfeeding. If you are bottle feeding you will not only have a harder time losing those lbs, but your uterus will not be contracting every 2 hours when the baby feeds, causing that belly to hang out for longer. Another reason to give that baby boob!

Drink TONS of water. I have to drink about a gallon a day to stay hydrated. Exercise and breastfeeding require a lot of water. Drink up!

As with anything the key to looking fit after baby is just discipline. Discipline to exercise even though you have been up all night, and are completely exhausted.

I still have a little ways until I get back to where I was before I had Eli, but I know I will get there.There are no crazy secrets. Exercise. Breastfeed. Eat healthy (and a lot.)

Have fun mommies! If you have any other tips I would love to hear them!



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