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Beautiful you.

Women these days have such distorted physical images. Many people blame it on Hollywood, or the media, and this is all legitimate, but I think the real problem lies within ourselves. We are constantly comparing ourselves to someone else. We can never be content with who we are because there is always someone better.

Today I was in the grocery store and this lady says to me, "Wow, you are gorgeous." I was caught off guard  at first and said thank you, but it was a genuine compliment and made me feel really good. Now, if I had the same comment from a man I would have probably said thanks and quickly moved the other direction. I realized that the best kind of compliment is one that comes from a woman. Why? She will not gain anything from it. She is confident enough in herself and has enough to share.

What if we as women all decided to start loving ourselves, and seeing beyond our insecurities? What if we could see someone beautiful and instead of being envious, appreciate their beauty and be comfortable enough to tell them? I bet women as a whole would be a lot more secure if they heard a genuine compliment once in a while. Don't get me wrong, it is always great to hear my husband tell me I am beautiful, but there is something special about hearing it from a total stranger.

Ladies, I challenge you!! Next time you see a pretty girl, tell her in your own way. It will take you out of your comfort zone, but I guarantee it will empower her and make her day! Confidence is contagious, pass it on!

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