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The F word

Yup, forgiveness. It is by far way worse than the other F word. Everyone wants to be forgiven, but when it comes our turn to do the forgiving, it gets a little uncomfortable. We want debtors to forgive our debts, our significant other to forgive us for that mean thing we said, and our kids to forgive us for for losing our temper. Then all of the sudden, WHAM! Somebody hits you where it hurts. Whether someone attacks your family, your character, or even your marriage the hatred starts to brew inside you. Who do they think they are? How dare they. They hit you where it really hurts and get you at your weakest point. Immediately there is an anger stirring inside of you and your head starts to spin. You think of all the things you wish you could say, maybe you even say them.

Now what? The hardest thing to do is to forgive someone who has hurt you or your family. Forgiving someone is an action. You have to forgive actively. Does this mean that you have to become your offenders best friend? Not necessarily, but you will know that you have truly forgiven them if you are at peace. If you still have anger or bitter thoughts toward the person then the chances are you haven't forgiven them. Is your mind free? Don't give the person the satisfaction of disturbing your life. Give it to God, even if you have to do it several times a day. The end result will be a happier, blessed life. So next times someone does something against you, F them!  :)

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