We live in a society that is more covetous than ever, and social media plays a huge part in the dissatisfaction. People live way above their means to keep up with the Jones' and work jobs they hate to keep them afloat. What would happen if we started worrying more about what our unique God-given purpose was, instead of our neighbors new car or our high school friend's latest vacation?
The reality is that comparing yourself to anyone else is wrong. Whether it be someone's house, job, body or vacation, the truth is that even if you had it, you would just want the next thing that came around. There is nothing in this world that can truly satisfy besides the plan that God has for you. He is not holding back any good thing from us, his plans are better than we can even imagine!
Maybe you are not the envious type, but instead you look down on other people. This is just as bad as wishing you had the things that others did. You are still comparing yourself.
When we compare, we are robbing ourselves. If you are envious of others it is pointless because God wants to give you the desires of your heart. There is no need to want what others have. On the flip side there is also danger in thinking that we are better than other people because then we are not holding ourselves to God's standard, we are holding ourselves to the standard of those around us.
Just to give you an example, it might seem silly, but it will help you get the point. I am really picky about what I feed my kids. I check labels and buy almost everything organic. The last couple years when I was teaching and saw what most kids pack for their school lunches I was horrified. I couldn't believe how bad these kids were eating. It was all processed "food" and full of sugar. I started to get a little slack about the amount of sugar my kids were eating because "it wasn't as bad as most kids." This was having a negative effect on them because I was not holding them to a higher standard, I was just comparing their eating habits to every other kid. It was wrong. I am by no means perfect when it comes to their diet, but I no longer compare what they eat to other kids. I do what is best for them without worrying about what other people do.
For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 2 Corinthians 10:12
When we think we are better than other people it takes away the drive and desire to grow. It lowers our standards.
There is nothing more freeing than letting go of the need to be like anyone else. The only person we should be comparing ourselves to is Jesus. He is our standard, nothing else. He wants to give you a life that is better than you ever dreamed of, but the first step is to stop comparing and start answering his call!