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Why I Plan to Shelter My Children

Lately I have been shocked and disturbed when I read the headlines and see the moral decline of our society as a whole. I don't like the world that my children will grow up in. I realize that if I want them to have a good life and make an impact on this world my job as a parent is more important than ever.

When we talk about sheltering our children, people get visuals of weird cult like communes with people who dress like they live in the early 1900's. That is not what I am talking about. I firmly believe that we as Christians are the light of the world and we must go out into the world in order for that light to shine, due time. We can't throw our kids out to the wolves with no expectation of what they will encounter or how to deal with it when they do. 

Public schools are now introducing sex education to children as young as 4th grade. This is not just regular sex education, but graphic, pornographic images along with information on masturbation, abortion, how to use condoms, and the differences between oral, anal and vaginal sex. These are not subjects I want my children to learn from a curriculum void of moral values. The new common core curriculum eliminates anything relating to creation and teaches everything based off the theory of evolution. I don't want to have to spend hours when they get home undoing all the wrong information they have gotten at school. These reasons, among many other things are why my children will not attend public school.

If children don't have a solid foundation of truth, grounded and rooted in the Word of God, they will not be able to withstand the pressures of this life. We don't have very many years with them to establish this foundation and I don't want to waste time by allowing their minds to be filled with the agenda of the federal government, which is what the common core curriculum is. Not only do they get it from school, but through the use of the internet on their personal electronics, TV, and music. If their negative input is more than they positive input you are going to have a problem. It is that simple. 

I love country music, it has always been my favorite, but lately I can't even let my kids listen to it! It used to be about God and Country and now it's all about getting drunk and sleeping around! It is not exactly cute when you hear your kid singing a lyric about a hangover. 

Sheltering my children will allow them to establish a sure foundation so that they can go out into the world and accomplish all God has for them. Without a foundation, they will crumble and be tossed every which way like the waves in the sea. 

As an adult I am finding it necessary to shelter myself! My husband laughs at me because every time a scary commercial comes on TV I cover my eyes and ears and look the other way. I know that might seem ridiculous, but when I was younger I used to love scary movies and over time I started to struggle with fear. It crept in and started setting up camp in many areas of my life. I had to stop any entrance of fear and scary movies were one of those entrances. I live a sheltered life compared to many people my age but guess what? I am happy, I am confident, I have good relationships, I don't get depressed or anxious, I am excited for my future, and I am free. If living a sheltered life doesn't work then don't wake me up because it's working for me!

Does this mean you remove yourself from the world? No. As Christians we are in this world, but we are not of this world. We are called to be salt and light to those around us (Matthew 5;13-16.) We should be a blessing wherever we go, we should help people find freedom in their lives, we should be opening ourselves up to be used by God. We should be influencing, not being influenced. This is not only what I want for myself, but what I want for my children.

What about you? Do you feel the need to get back to basics with your kids in our ever changing society?

I would love to hear from YOU! 


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