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Can't afford organic? I have your solution.

Organic produce is really expensive. Is it worth it? YES. However if you can't afford organic then that doesn't mean you should not buy produce... Your body needs fruits and veggies. Feeding a family of 5 all organic food is not cheap. Some months the budget is tighter and buying organic is a luxury we can't afford. Below is a picture of WASHED blueberries still covered in pesticides that will go straight into your family's body unless you do something about it.
See all that white nastiness? That is chemicals going straight into your body! Eww. So what can you do about it? Here is my solution:

Young Living essential oils! I soak my produce in water and grapefruit essential oil (lemon works too) and it removes the nasty chemicals that rinsing alone can't get rid of.

1.Fill up the sink with water
2.Add 10-15 drops of essential oil
3. Soak for about 15 mins (every couple minutes I go move everything around to make sure the oil touches all the produce)

The result:

What an amazing difference!! Not only does the oil break through all those pesticides, but it kills fungus that could have possibly grown on the food and naturally and safely preserves the produce. Not only that, but the remaining oil has amazing health benefits and is medical grade and safe to take internally (only Young Living oils are safe to ingest, so don't do this with oils you buy at the store!)

To order oils, schedule a class on essential oils, or ask questions, email me at:!

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