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Beauty--- Blessing or curse? Your choice.

As a new mom it is so hard to turn on the TV and see beautiful, skinny, and perfect women everywhere. It actually makes me want to throw something at the screen and then cry. We see the Victoria's Secret commercials and the reality TV stars and automatically begin to compare ourselves. Or maybe we don't even compare because we know that we are nowhere near looking like that....

Take yourself back to a moment in which you felt your most beautiful. Think. I know you have at least one moment where you were proud to be in your own skin. For me it was my wedding day.. I had spent countless hours preparing my dress, nails, hair, makeup, tanning, exercising....blah blah blah. Considering all the work it took I better feel fricking fabulous! I knew that I was the most beautiful on that day, it didn't matter what everyone else looked like because that was MY day. It has now been a short year and a half since then and a lot has happened to me. My body has sustained a gorgeous baby girl since the time she was conceived a year ago. What could possibly be more beautiful than that? She has survived solely off of my body. After being pregnant for 9 months and gaining weight, swelling up, stretching out and feeling gross, the last thing that I felt was beautiful. I would sit on the couch and look at pictures from my "skinny days" and wish I could look like that again. The problem is that when I did look like that I still wasn't happy. My beauty was a curse. I had to look like that VS model or I wasn't beautiful. I could never be content because no matter how much I tried there was always somebody prettier. Curse. Comparing your beauty to someone else's is a CURSE. Finally I have come to the point that I will not curse the beauty that I felt on my wedding day by comparing it to someone else. Do you find yourself comparing? To compare is to curse. Instead of cursing yourself, start considering your beauty a blessing. What do you like about yourself? Your eyes, smile, hair? Focus on the things about yourself that make you feel beautiful. Nobody can compare to you. Take the things that make you feel best about yourself and do them more often. Even if it is as simple as taking a shower and putting a little makeup on. Use the unique and special beauty God gave you as a blessing, something special that only you have. I don't care how good those models look they can't take away your special piece of beauty. Cherish it and appreciate it, don't curse it. Beauty is a choice because we all have felt it. Is yours a blessing or a curse?

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