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Feed My Sheep

A couple of years ago, my husband and I were going through some tough financial times. Things were really tight, but I knew that this state we were in was not God's will. His will is for us to prosper. We are his own special people, and all of the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 belong to us through Jesus. I remember one day I was praying, seeking guidance and I clearly hear Him tell me, "It is not your job to take care of yourself, that is My job. Your job is to take care of others." This set me free!

It is so easy for many of us to say that we love God, and that we are followers of Jesus, yet we fail to do the things he has commanded us. The perfect example is found in John 21 when Jesus supernaturally provided Peter with a net full of fish after a night of catching absolutely nothing. Later in the chapter Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him. Peter says yes three times and each time Jesus responds saying, "then feed my sheep." Jesus provided for Peter so that he could provide for others.

Faith without works is dead. Saying that we love God means that we need to follow his commandments. He does not bless us and provide for us only to make us comfortable and happy, he provides so that we can "feed his sheep." So many Christians begin to tap in to all the wonderful benefits of the cross, but then they do nothing for the One who gave them all of those things.

If we just enjoy all the benefits of the cross and then keep it all for ourselves then we are selfish.

The way that Jesus asked Peter to prove his love is the same way we are supposed to prove our love. God takes care of us, we take care of others.

What exactly does it mean to "feed his sheep?"

It is our responsibility to serve others in any way we can. This could mean literally feeding people, it could also mean feeding them spiritually by encouraging, coaching, or ministering or praying for them. If you have nobody you can "feed" then you can give of your finances to ministers you trust, who are currently spreading the gospel and doing work of the kingdom. There is always something you can do.

We need to live a life of service. After all, Jesus took our place and suffered all the punishment so that we could live a life of health, peace and prosperity, the least we can do is dedicate our lives to his kingdom!

Every day when we wake up we should be asking God what we can do for him today. Always be open to respond to the call when he needs you. Live a life of giving and service towards others, even if they don't deserve it. Remember, you didn't deserve it either and Jesus did it for you!

Since Dustin and I have made the decision to serve others with our resources we have seen more blessing on our lives than ever before. I encourage you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and watch what God does in your life, you will not regret it!

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